American Gurl

...the idea of the American girl is far from singular, which is why this is an ongoing curatorial project wherewe hope to show as many shades, nuances and perspectives of the American gir”, says Zehra Ahmed, founder and curator of Womxn in Windows.

Womxn in Windows is a platform with a mission to share the perspectives of women of colour through videography, cinematography and performance. In American Gurl, open at Hauser & Wirth Downtown Los Angeles, eight films by intergenerations artists are presented, all with a curiosity around the perspectives and nuances within the Black feminine experience and their relationships to beauty, success, freedom and power in America.

Carrie Mae Weems, Afro-Chic, 2009-10

"With these films, I am interested in exploring how we can reimagine the American Dream to include womenof color alongwith our hopes and desires. These moving images represent the intersection of our past andpresent, exploring new ways of dreaming through their fusion,” says Kilo Kish, co-curator of American Gurl.

Kilo Kish, Death Fantasy, 2022

Installation view, ‘American Gurl’ presented by Womxn in Windows, Hauser & Wirth Downtown Los Angele

American Gurl is open at Hauser & WIrth Downtown Los Angeles until 30th July.


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